Because Knowledge is Power

Why Meditation Can Save Your Life

Taking only a few minutes to relax everyday could help you lower your risk of cardiovascular disease.


One study followed over 4,000 patients at least 45 years old who had some degree of coronary disease. After six years, the patients reporting higher levels of stress, depression, and “emotional draining” were almost 50% more likely to die of a heart attack!


Stress is your body’s natural alarm system. It releases a hormone called adrenaline that causes your breath to quicken, and your heart rate and blood pressure to rise.


We can’t ignore the MIND-BODY CONNECTION any longer! For many health reasons, we need to find techniques for reducing stress and focusing on things we can do to be healthier and live a more balanced life.


Meditation is a great way to reduce stress, increase energy, and gain better health. It is believed to result in a state of greater calmness, more physical relaxation, and an increase in psychological balance.


Stress hormones affect our health, and we can drastically change our stress levels with a few minutes a day of quiet time.


You don’t have to be a disciple of the Dalai Lama to benefit from meditation! Not all mediation is done sitting down with your legs crossed like many people believe. There are different forms of meditation, such as tai chi, also called “moving meditation,” or even praying or yoga.


Here are some more tips on meditation and why I love my “ME” time! Find the type of meditation that works for YOU and your whole body!

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0phthalmologist & Health Professional