Because Knowledge is Power


Full disclosure: the title above is total sarcasm. There are no big secrets here! The 2018 Harvard study did not uncover lost mysteries of how to stay healthy and live a long life. The study confirmed what we have been told for decades, minus all

Do you ever struggle with sticking to your exercise routine? Of course you do—you’re human!   It’s hard to keep up momentum, especially when we haven’t slept well, the weather is frightening, or our work week seems to pile up.   Each of these excuses is valid when

We’ve all heard the party line: Sitting is the new smoking. Maybe not exactly, but a sedentary lifestyle for a non-smoker is turning out to be as harmful as a pack a day over the course of a lifetime.   People who sit for more than about

No one needs to hear about how an active lifestyle, together with a produce rich diet, lowers everyone’s risk for heart disease.   Now we know that these diet and lifestyle modifications have a clear effect on our eyes!   The intraocular pressure, not to be confused with

Running at any pace for about 2 hours a week total could add up to 3 years to your lifespan. Even if you’re overweight, even if you drink alcohol throughout your life, and even if you smoke.   No matter how fast you run, if the total

The singer Pink recently posted on social media that her current BMI (body mass index) places her in the category obese.  Looking at the accompanying picture in the same post made my mouth drop open! She looks amazing, only months after giving birth to her