Because Knowledge is Power


Full disclosure: the title above is total sarcasm. There are no big secrets here! The 2018 Harvard study did not uncover lost mysteries of how to stay healthy and live a long life. The study confirmed what we have been told for decades, minus all

A recent study shows that 1 in 10 Americans report chronic pain! 25 million American adults – over 11 percent – reported having chronic pain in the past three months. A surprising number of Americans take over the counter pills daily to fight chronic pain and inflammation

A patient who recently started a supplement he had read about online came in with an acute episode of eye pain and vision disturbance. As we talked, I realized the culprit was a combination of a new supplement he began and medications he was already

If your fall allergies seem worse than ever this year – you’re right! The effects of more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are allowing pollen-producing plants to survive longer into fall and produce even stronger pollen. As a result, the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma

Everywhere you look, you find news praising the health benefits of eating fish. Fish is a lean protein, packed with vitamins and minerals and low in saturated fat. The kind of fish containing high levels of omega-3 fatty acids are even better for us! By now

...and so much more!   Beans are the real deal—a whole food, packed with nutrients that do wonders for our hearts, bones, digestive system, and beyond.  They are found everywhere and they don't cost a lot. So, let's take advantage of this superfood!   Why are beans a superfood?

Just about everyone has either done a juice cleanse or knows someone who has. Ads are everywhere. Boosted by celebrities swearing by the benefits of cleanses, people are flocking to the growing number of companies offering juice cleanses for anywhere from 3 days to several

These popular superfoods may be old news in some parts of the world, but they’re making quite an entrance in the United States.   Here are some of the most popular superfoods right now in a nutshell:   Cassava   Cassava is a nutty-flavored, starchy root vegetable. In the United