Getting to talk to anyone about how to protect their eyes is my version of fun at work. So imagine how much more fun it is to do it with people like Hoda, Craig, and Savannah on the Today Show. I have no complaints!
Well, except one…not enough time to get it all in!
Typical live TV segments run anywhere between 3 and 6 minutes, which just doesn’t allow time to get more than a few key talking points in (if you’re lucky). For me, there’s just never enough time, I just wish I could say more.
Here’s what is going to keep me up the next few nights as I struggle how I could have gotten my word in edgewise…
1. All this retinal detachment talk may sound scary, but the true incidence is actually quite low: about 7 in 100,000 people.
That’s including people who are at a higher risk than the average person; history of recent trauma, diabetes, recent eye surgery and those with myopia (near-sightedness).
So, while it’s worth knowing the signs of retinal detachment, which brings me to #2.
2. An eye exam within hours of symptoms starting is key.
Knowing these symptoms can be sight saving:
- Flashing lights (I did talk about this on The Today Show, but I didn’t get to use my nerdy analogy to describe what the flashing is like: “The flashes are like a camera keeps going off — it’s like the paparazzi is following you!”)
- Cobweb, veil shadow-like floater
- Sudden burst of many floaters
- Loss of vision — especially from the side or the top/bottom
3. Retinal detachments are PAINLESS!
I have a few patients over the years who ignored their sudden reduced vision because they thought anything wrong with the retina would be painful. Retinal tears, holes, hemorrhages, and detachments are all usually without sensation.
OK, I got it all out there. Now I feel better. Thanks for reading!
Want to see what we did get to talk about on The Today Show?