Because Knowledge is Power
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October 2018

Americans are more depressed than ever, with about 15% of all age groups on some sort of anti-depressant medication. Since Prozac debuted in 1988, the number of Americans on these medications has been steadily increasing.   The problem is this: More and more people’s depression is no

...and so much more!   Beans are the real deal—a whole food, packed with nutrients that do wonders for our hearts, bones, digestive system, and beyond.  They are found everywhere and they don't cost a lot. So, let's take advantage of this superfood!   Why are beans a superfood?

Recently, my 9-year-old son has been having a tough time falling asleep. He had gotten better after many frustrating nights of continuously coming into our room, pleading with me to lay with him for “another 5 minutes” or worse, to sleep with us (NO!) until

With millions of our children back to school in full swing, one Georgia charter school is bringing back a controversial way of keeping those kids in line: paddling on their buttocks!   The school, which serves children in grades K through 9, distributed consent forms to all

Just about everyone has either done a juice cleanse or knows someone who has. Ads are everywhere. Boosted by celebrities swearing by the benefits of cleanses, people are flocking to the growing number of companies offering juice cleanses for anywhere from 3 days to several

Note: This excerpt was originally published on WeightWatchers Canada and was re-published here on By: Sarah Munn Cryotherapy, for the uninitiated, is a treatment in which the body is exposed to below-freezing temperatures for a brief period of time.   Though it started as a fad and has been

These popular superfoods may be old news in some parts of the world, but they’re making quite an entrance in the United States.   Here are some of the most popular superfoods right now in a nutshell:   Cassava   Cassava is a nutty-flavored, starchy root vegetable. In the United